> Where do I change the web root for the MX stand alone server?

All configuration options for it are here:


> Also, what would be the best solution for be able to point 
> between different roots as needed? This is for a local 
> install, and I often need to change as I work on different 
> sites. Is it possible to use multiple port mappings like 
> the 8500, with each pointing to a different site?

I don't think you can configure the JRun web server to support multiple
virtual servers, which would really be your best solution. I'd recommend
that you set up a real web server, like Apache or IIS, for this. Either will
do. You can configure as many virtual server as you want, when you do that.
On my laptop, for instance, I set up new virtual servers whenever I feel the
need, and they all listen on the same IP and port, and I use host-header
names to differentiate between them. I add entries into my HOSTS file to
make that work.

However, if you just want to make do with the JRun web server, you could
simply keep multiple copies of the configuration file, and switch back and
forth as desired.

Oh, and where it says under the above article that you can't change the
"interface" attribute, I've found that it works fine if you specify an IP
address for the attribute value. I did that on my machine to bind the JRun
web server to

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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