Hi Shawn: 

For the price, I cannot say enough good things about Nexpoint. 

They have a $99/yr package that includes: 

CF 5
unlimited ODBC datasources (Access)
unlimited e-mail
unmetered bandwidth
500MB storage

They also offer SQL Server 2k for an additional $25/yr (whereas most other 
places would charge that per month). 

Caveat is that they really are not up 99.9% (as I believe they guarantee).  
But the downtime hasn't been excessive at all (in fact, I am not aware of 
any downtime in the past 6 months or so).  When the system does go down, it 
comes up again fairly quickly (none of the outages that I can recall were 
for extended periods of time). 

I've also submitted trouble tickets at 2 am on Saturday and gotten responses 
and resolutions by 3 am. 

I'm not associated with these guys...I make nothing for recommending them.  
I just really am *that* pleased with the overall service and price. 

See the $99/yr plan here:



Shawn Grover writes: 

> I have a couple of sites hosted at www.readyhosting.com.  Their CF servers
> have been down more than not in the past few days, with no responses from
> their tech support.  Calling them get's me put onto a hold queue for an
> extended period. 
> So, I'm looking for alternatives that offer similar features for a similar
> price.  Specifically they offer 500MB storage, Unlimited DSNs (though I only
> need 3 or 4) and Cold Fusion services for $99 US per year.  The downside is
> that they only support CF 4.5, but I can live with that if needed. 
> Any suggestions for something comparable - I would prefer CF5.0 but can live
> with 4.5.  If it helps any, one of the sites is a charitable, non-profit
> organization. 
> Thanks for any tips. 
> Shawn
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