OK, working with the MS Word object (still).

I need some help porting over this VB code to CF so that it will work. Here
is the VB Code:

   Sub Test()

   Dim DocOpen As Word.Document

   Set DocOpen = Documents.Open("c:\blah.doc")

   Set temp = Dialogs(wdDialogToolsWordCount)
   numWords = temp.Words

   With DocOpen
   MsgBox "This doc has a count of " & " " &  numWords
   .Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
   End With
   Set DocOpen = Nothing

   End Sub

Works perfectly. So I am trying to get this to do the same thing in CF,
without the msgbox, obviously. Here is where I have gotten:


   OpenDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("c:\blah.doc");

   Count = opendoc.words.count();

   temp = openDoc.Dialogs(wdDialogToolsWordCount)



   objWord = "Nothing";

Does not work, it is telling me that wdDialogToolsWordCount is undefined. So
I have even tried declaring a variable like "myvar =
"wdDialogToolsWordCount" and it still fails. How can I port this VB over to
CFScript where it works? Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!
Robert Bailey
Famous for nothing

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