> My problem:
> I have 3 types of documents:
> PDFS, .CFM Static Files and Database Content
> I need to index all three into '1' collection that can be 
> searched.
> PDF's on Linux cannot be directly indexed, so I am using 
> pdf2txt to convert them to a shadow directory of files 
> labelled: filename.pdf.txt... and then just stripping 
> the .txt off the result to link to the actual PDF.
> *** *** ***
> Can I combine these into 1 search somehow? Can I take my 
> index (created with the CF Admin of the shadowed PDF's 
> in their directories) and insert the results into a 
> database somehow? Has somebody done something like
> this and they're selling/sharing the perfect solution?

I might be missing something, but the short answer is yes, you can index all
three into a single collection:

<cfindex action="refresh" collection="col1" type="file"
path="/path/to/pdf.txt" ...>

<cfindex action="update" collection="col1" type="file"
path="/path/to/staticfiles" ...>

<cfquery name="qStuff" ...>
SELECT fields FROM table_to_search

<cfindex action="update" collection="col1" type="custom" query="qStuff" ...>

Or, you could index them into three separate collections, and search them
all at once:

<cfsearch ... collection="col1,col2,col3">

Typically, you wouldn't want to use CFINDEX to index .cfm files, though -
you'd either index the database content used within those files, or you'd
use the Verity spider (vspider).

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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