I don't know if this is a bug, undocumented feature or correct behavior?
But has anybody run into this before?

I have some code such as this in a CFC creating an array of queries.

        Pseudo code example 

<cfset QueryAry = ArrayNew(1)>

<!--- This query will return one record --->
<cfquery name="First" datasource="DSN">
        SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3
        FROM     Table1
        WHERE  ID = #IDVar#
<cfset QueryAry[1] = First>

<!--- This query will return zero to many records --->
<cfquery name="Second" datasource="DSN">
        SELECT Field4, Field5, Field6
        FROM     Table2
        WHERE    ID = #IDVar#
<cfset QueryAry[2] = Second>

<cfreturn QueryAry>

Then when I try to output the query results stored in the array returned
from the CFC.

        #IsQuery(QueryAry[1])# <!--- This returns True --->
        #IsQuery(QueryAry[2])# <!--- This returns True --->

<!--- Case 1: This does not work --->
<cfoutput query="QueryAry[1]">

<cfoutput query="QueryAry[2]">
<!--- End Case 1 --->

<!--- Case 2: This does not work --->
<cfloop query="QueryAry[1]">

<cfloop query="QueryAry[2]">
<!--- End Case 2 --->

<!--- Case 3: This does work --->

<cfloop from="1" to="#QueryAry[2].RecordCount#" index="i">
<!--- End Case 3 --->

<!--- *** End Pseudo Code Example *** --->

I would be interested in any comments on this behavior by others in the CF
community, as well as Macromedia types if they care too say something.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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