I realize this is not the ideal list for this post, but I checked the
cf-jobs list and saw a tumbleweed rolling by.

There is a job opening at a Major Investement Brokereage firm in midtown
NYC (If you know my history, you may guess which one).

It pays well (considering the times) but is a great opportunity to get
your foot in the door in the IB world (which I can attest, if market
conditions improve, means MUCHO DINERO in the future).

They are looking for an experienced CFer, with lots of RDBMS experience
(Preferably Sybase, then MS SQL).
Experience with Unix is KEY, and so is a general understanding of the
old skool Mainframe world (PowerBuilder Huge Plus).
At leas 5 years experience in client/server technology, or someone
willing to fib about this (a little).

If you are interested, please send an email OFFLIST to:
or to me directly. Be sure to mention my name (IGOR ILYINSKY) and your
chances improve (I'm not shitting you).

Good Luck!!! and pass it on

-Igor Ilyinsky

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