
could someone iron out this query for me,
I'm just a little confused about the right or best configuration of tools to
be using,

I went on the Macromedia site to the get the latest updater for cfmx,
and found CFMX for J2EE, on further reading this is a version of CFMX that
will sit
on top of the J2EE application server as opposed to IIS. This sounds like a
very powerful
integration, but since we want to keep our integration with IIS, but also
down the line
use Java, EJB and jsp integrated solutions along with CFMX I'm wondering
what is the best set up.

I assumed that CFMX not CFMX for J2EE has a built in version of JRUN that
will handle JSP and CFML
seamless integration, is this true? and if so am I right in thinking there
is no other configurations
required in order to run jsp's once CFMX has been installed.

And if this is true, is CFMX as good on its own as the MM JRUN server which
is a cheaper version of the J2EE

And if you wish to use JRUN why not go out the whole hog for J2EE.

Does anyone see where I am going with this.

If someone could give me advice on this I would be very grateful,
I am probably over worrying here, but it would be nice to know what be the
best JAVA CFMX integrated solution
for future scalability. 


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