Ok this is going to sound a bit odd since i am not sure how to word it.

i have my little query: [in my admin page for viewing who has signed up for
the class]

[[from dataview01.cfm]]

<cfquery name="rsSignedUP" datasource="practice"  >
SELECT tbl_Employee.EmployeeID, tbl_Employee.LastName,
tbl_Employee.FirstName, tbl_Employee.Email, tbl_Class.ClassID,
tbl_Class.ClassName, tbl_Class.ClassDate, tbl_SignUp.SignUpID,
tbl_SignUp.SU_DateOfferdID, tbl_SignUp.SU_EmployeeID, tbl_SignUp.Completed,
FROM tbl_Employee, tbl_Class, tbl_SignUp 
WHERE EmployeeID = SU_EmployeeID
AND ClassID = SU_DateOfferdID 
AND ClassName = 'Human Resource Mgmt'
ORDER BY #DefOrder#

Which is grabbing a list of employees which could have signed up for 1
class, given on 2 differnt dates.

My problem is, that the class size needs to be limited to 25 people.
This is stated on my main form.

it also shows how many people are currently singed up for class 01 & class
[[from signup01.cfm]]

<cfquery name="rsDate01" datasource="practice"  >
SELECT SignUpID, SU_DateOfferdID 
FROM tbl_SignUp 
WHERE SU_DateOfferdID = 1

<cfquery name="rsDate02" datasource="practice"  >
FROM tbl_SignUp 
WHERE SU_DateOfferdID = 2

[[the display]]

A limit of 25 spaces are available per class per day.
You will be notified if you are selected for the class & time.
.       <cfoutput>#rsDate01_total#</cfoutput>  people have signed up so far
<cfoutput># LSDateFormat(rsDisplayDate01.ClassDate, 'DDDD, 
          MMMM DD, YYYY') #</cfoutput>.<br>
        people for <cfoutput># LSDateFormat(rsDisplayDate02.ClassDate,
          MMMM DD, YYYY') #</cfoutput>

So, on the form i show how many have signed up.

But on the admin page, i cant figure out how to show who has signed up in
sequential order.
Because on one admin page i have 2 seperate date/times they could sign up.

Its not really abig deal.
i would just like to know how to get the number of the last insert Total + 1
as the number that realates to the student who signed up.??
I know i should have used a sepereate table for each Class/time.

mabey i will redo it from the ground up.
But since it is 10 different classes with 2 times each, spread out over the
next year.
I wanted to be able to track Student/employees progress through this
"Practice Manegment" class.

no one will read this!

Thanks if you do!


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