>Hi, all...
>I'm trying to order street addresses.

You need to replace all the numbers with a fixed length zero filled number.  You could 
do it like this:
<cfset zeroes[1] = '00000'>
<cfset zeroes[2] = '0000'>
<cfset zeroes[3] = '000'>
<cfset zeroes[4] = '00'>
<cfset zeroes[5] = '0'>
<cfset zeroes[6] = ''>
reReplace(address, "([0-9]+)", zeroes[len("\1")] & "\1", "ALL" )
except a coldFusion bug prevents this from working (len always returns 2).

So you'll have to do 5 different reReplaces, one for each length of number smaller 
than 6 (assuming 6 is big enough for your data).

Here's some code that will do the trick (tested on CFMX):

<cffunction name="make6digits">
        <!--- convert the number to a 6 digit number --->
        <cfset var d6n = arguments[1]>
        <cfset d6n = reReplace(d6n, "(\b|\D)(\d\d\d\d\d)(\b|\D)", "\1\0\2\3", "ALL")>
        <cfset d6n = reReplace(d6n, "(\b|\D)(\d\d\d\d)(\b|\D)", "\1\00\2\3", "ALL")>
        <cfset d6n = reReplace(d6n, "(\b|\D)(\d\d\d)(\b|\D)", "\1\000\2\3", "ALL")>
        <cfset d6n = reReplace(d6n, "(\b|\D)(\d\d)(\b|\D)", "\1\0000\2\3", "ALL")>
        <cfset d6n = reReplace(d6n, "(\b|\D)(\d)(\b|\D)", "\1\00000\2\3", "ALL")>
        <cfreturn d6n>

<!--- create some test data --->
<cfset rsAddress = queryNew("address,addressKey")>
<cfset queryAddRow(rsAddress)>
<cfset queryAddRow(rsAddress)>
<cfset rsAddress.address[1] = '4533 Banana Drive, Apt ##10, 36 Westminster, CO 
<cfset rsAddress.address[2] = '4533 Banana Drive, Apt ##4, 36 Westminster, CO 
<cfdump var=#rsAddress# label="the raw data">

<!--- make a sort key for every address --->
<cfloop query="rsAddress">
        <cfset rsAddress.addressKey[currentRow] = make6digits(address)>

<!--- order by the sort key! --->
<cfquery name="rsAddressSorted" dbtype="query">
        SELECT * FROM rsAddress
        ORDER BY addressKey

<cfdump var=#rsAddressSorted# label="the cooked data">
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