Well it doesn't appear to actually jump down to a specific heading. For
instance, lets say I hardcoded 3 headings to be in hyperlink #1a, #2b, and
#3a, then whenever I click on the heading that has the anchor coded as #3a,
it would just down right to the title and content for the 3rd heading. Well,
presently it acts like it's jumping down, but it doesn't go to the specified

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 7:12 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Dynamic anchors on CF Page

Apart from that you've missed the hashes (#), what's wrong with what you

<a name="#GetKey#">

Matthew Walker
Electric Sheep Web

----- Original Message -----
From: "Clark, Aimee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: Dynamic anchors on CF Page

> I have a page in which headings go across the top like (newpaper headings)
> that I want the user to be able to click the heading to jump down to the
> article. All headings and articles are on the same page. So I need to be
> able to create dynamic anchors. Is this possible in CF? Here's a snippet
> code I have:
> <cfquery datasource="FirmDaily" name="GetBookmarks">
>  Select DailyNewsKey, Title From DailyNews
>  Where convert(varchar, PublishDte, 101) <= convert(varchar, GETDATE(),
>  convert(varchar, EndPublishDte, 101) >= convert(varchar, GETDATE(), 101)
> </cfquery>
> <cfquery datasource="FirmDaily" name="GetContent">
>  Select DailyNewsKey, Title, Body, Sig From DailyNews
>  Where convert(varchar, PublishDte, 101) <= convert(varchar, GETDATE(),
>  convert(varchar, EndPublishDte, 101) >= convert(varchar, GETDATE(), 101)
> </cfquery>
> <cfset GetKey = #GetBookmarks.DailynewsKey#>
> <body link="CC0000" alink="CC0000" vlink="ac9d86">
> <table width="100%">
>  <TR>
>   <td width="100%" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><h2>What's Up
> Today</h2></td>
>  </TR>
>  <tr>
>   <td width="100%" height="24" align="left" valign="bottom"><h3>Table of
> Contents</h3></td>
>  </tr>
>  <tr>
>  <td width="100%" height="9" align="center" valign="top">
>  <cfoutput query="GetBookmarks">
>  <font face="Trebuchet MS" size="1">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
> href="##GetKey#">#title#</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</cfoutput>
>  </td></tr>
>  <tr>
>   <td width="100%" height="3" align="center" valign="top"><hr width="65%"
> size="1" color="353535"></FONT></td>
>  </tr>
>  <cfoutput query="GetContent">
>  <tr>
>   <td height="9" align="center" valign="top"><font face="Trebuchet MS"
> size="2" color="CC0000"><a name="GetKey">#Title#</a></font></td>
>  </tr>
>  <tr>
>   <td height="9" align="center" valign="top"><font face="Trebuchet MS"
> size="2">#Body#</font></td>
>  </tr>
>  <tr>
>   <td height="9" align="center" valign="top"><font face="Trebuchet MS"
> size="2">#Sig#</font></td>
>  </tr>
>  <tr>
>  <td width="100%" height="3" valign="top"><hr width="65%" size="1"
> color="353535"></td>
>  </tr>
>  </cfoutput>
> </table>
> </body>
> </html>
> Thank you,
> Aimee Clark
> Web Developer
> Stinson Morrison Hecker
> 816.691.3461

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