> when viewing the source of the pages within some of my cf
> apps, i notice
> there is a lot of white space at the top of the page,
> etc... is there a way
> to clean this up?


In MX there's a server setting (which is on by default afaik) which limits
the output of whitespace. There's also <cfsilent> which prevents any output
at all of any kind within the tags, so, for instance you would see nothing
from a template with this code in it:

    #some# #variables# #here#
    blah blah blah

I tend to use this for sections of code which contain only cf logic. It's
new as of CF 5.

Then theres <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true"> and <cfsetting
enablecfoutputonly="false"> ...

Once you've turned this on, you'll get no output accept within <cfoutput>

s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046

new epoch                      http://www.turnkey.to

lead architect, tapestry cms   http://products.turnkey.to

tapestry api is opensource     http://www.turnkey.to/tapi

certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer

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