>i have a problem passing variables to an edit page, it passes the field
>pol_question fine but for the answer fields my loop is incorrect, it just
>reproduces the answers 5 times each. each answer is the ans_answer table is
>related to the pol_question through the pol_id, any help would be

It appears that your query loops are resetting the value of 'ans_Ans' &
'ans_ID' each through each iteration; therefore the value for each will end
up set to the last value in the query each time.

You might try using an index loop instead of a query loop, like so:

<!--- start replacement loop code --->
<cfLoop from="1" to="#GetPollDetails.recordCount#" index="i">
   <!--- create a name for the current ans (i.e. 'Ans1') based on loop
index --->
   <cfSet currAns = 'Ans' & i>
   <!--- assign current ans a value from matching query index --->
   <cfSet '#currAns#' = getPollDetails.ans_Ans[i]>
   <!--- create a name for hidden form tag based on loop index --->
   <cfSet currAnsID = 'ans_id' & i>
 <input type="hidden" name="#currAnsID#" value="#getPollDetails.ans_id[i]#">
<!--- end replacement loop code --->

This will replace all 5 of the loops in your current setup.  A possible side
benefit of this is that it'll create the variables for every row in the
current query; of course, this might not be what you want, if your query is
actually selecting a couple hundred rows...

The rest of your output should remain the same.


Brandon Whitaker
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