> Thanks so much to Jochem and Isaac for taking the time to
> help me out. Matt, I almost had it thanks to your help. :)

Glad I could help. :)

> A question/comment or two...

> __ On the action page, you have

> <CFIF Len(Trim(form["Website_authorLNAME#i#"]))>

> What are you checking for? That there is a length?

Or more specifically that the lenth is greater than zero. CF evaluates
integers as booleans where 0 = false and all other integers are true. So in
the statement <cfif len(trim(blah))> you remove any white space and then if
there are any non-whitespace characters remaining, you get a true result and
the codeblock executes.

> __Isaac, you are right when you say I needed a refresher
> on associative arrays. I have to admit that complex data
> types scare me a bit ;)

Glad I could help. :) Imho they really are much less intimidating once you
"get" the fact that all (or most) of the scopes (session, application, etc)
are structures, and so by that reasoning, most folks who say "I've never
done anything with structures" actually have they just aren't aware of it.
>From that point it's just a different syntax and we all know syntax is just
something you get the hang of.

If you have a little time, you might also want to go over the documentation
for all the structure functions: structkeylist, structkeyexists,
structappend, structinsert and structdelete. If you're not comfortable using
array notation, they give you yet another alternative syntax you can use.
Structdelete in particular if you have a use for it you'll be glad you don't
have to code the alternative. ;)

Today I'm getting a refresher for myself on cferror. Can't figure out why I
can't get this exception error handler to execute. No problems getting it to
execute if I specify type="request" but for some reason it seems that no
matter where I place the template or how I call it if I put type="exception"
it just gives me the standard CF error dump. Seems like such a silly little
thing to be giving me so much grief. :)

> I saw Jim post the info about the article and I will
> definitely be reading it. I dont think I can afford not to.

Jim's article on locking is the one that got me started down that path. He's
a good writer, very thorough and I think he also has a very accessible
writing style as compared to a lot of us gearheads. :)

s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046

new epoch                      http://www.turnkey.to

lead architect, tapestry cms   http://products.turnkey.to

tapestry api is opensource     http://www.turnkey.to/tapi

certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer

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