> When you have used cachedwithin in CFQUERY, is it possible to
> override that before the cachedtime is up? For example,
> <cfif not isdefined("application.recache")>
>     <cfquery name="query" datasource="dsn"
> cachedwithin="#createtimespan(0,1,0,0)#">
>     ...BLAH...
>     </cfquery>
> <cfelse>
>     <cfquery name="query" datasource="dsn">
>     ...BLAH...
>     </cfquery>
>     <cfset temp = structdelete(application, "recache")>
> </cfif>
> Here, it'd be great if I could 'reset' the query so that if
> I've defined somewhere else on the site that the query has
> changed using the application variable, I can get it to use
> the new query results and cache that for next time, instead.

If you use CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,0) it "pushes" the query to refresh -
running it without the CACHEDWITHIN doesn't effect the cached versions
of the query

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