I'm not sure exactly what you mean by registering the component with NT's
Scheduler but, if you mean that you have the component started by the
Scheduler Service be aware that the component will be running under the
System Account. This will give the component, and thereby and script calling
it, extremely powerful rights on the local machine. I'd be careful if you
are in a multi-user development environment.


-----Original Message-----
From: Campbell Morton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 9:57 PM
Subject: CF & COM

Hi There,

I'm currently having trouble interfacing with a COM object on CF4.0.1/NT4
SP6/IIS4. This is a third party component - written to work with an existing
product written in ASP (bah!). I am trying to integrate this component with
a new CF app.

My code:
<CFOBJECT CLASS="fmswebx.fmswebx" ACTION="create" SERVER="monster"

Error message:
COM error 0x80040154. Class not registered

ASP code that works:
Set repx = CreateObject("fmswebx.fmswebx")

The context used is INPROC - even though it is an .exe it is does not run as
a background process. And the component does not support the 'connect'
interface - so even if the component is running (created via .asp) as an NT
process, you can't access it through CF.

What I can do - create an instance with .asp and call methods etc.

What I can't do - I can't even create it with CF.

This is a .exe COM automation object which supports the IDispatch interface.

It's depoyed with it's own registry program and works fine with ASP. I have
registered the object with the account the CF service uses (as well as
reverting back to using the system account for the CF service) and have also
registered the component with NT's task scheduler - as advised in Allaire's
support forums.

Any ideas?


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