
You should be able to make the query string and the inline link work 
together - follow the advice you've already gotten about putting the query 
string first.  I have pages running successfully that are formatted like:

I should warn you however that we've experienced problems with image maps 
being disabled on pages with URLs like the above.  This only seems to 
happen in Netscape - IE is not affected in our experience.  I was not able 
to find any official reference or solution to this problem but did manage 
to locate one usenet posting from an ASP developer who also experienced the 
program - no solution though.  We ended up working-around the problem by 
splitting up the image which was mapped and wrapping the images in <a 
href...> type links.

Just wanted to give you a heads up!

At 04:22 PM 7/12/00 -0700, you wrote:
>I don't know if this is CF related or not, but if anyone can shed some light
>on it, it would be much appreciated.
>I have some pages that I would like to do inline linking (i.e. link to a
>lower part of a single page) OK, no problem add the appropriate <a
>name=foo></a> tag along with the reference <a href="page.cfm#foo>link</a>.
>This works fine.  The only problem is that I need to append a "?" and url
>variables.  As soon as I add the "?" the inline links don't work.  The link
>just takes the user to the top of the page.???
>A few notes - the url variables are variables so the "#" is doubled up and
>the <a> tag has a <cfoutput> around it. So do url variables just kill this
>functionality or is there a workaround?
>Thanks in Advance

Kevin Marshall
Web Application Developer, Inc.
Vero Beach, FL

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