Just saw that in the release notes...  Thanks eh...

It was funny...  What happened was I got the error message, about not being
compatible.  Searching for it finds me an article that states I need to run
the cfmx updater.  I didn't realize that I was running updater 3, and the
article pertained to the first updater.

-----Original Message-----
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 10:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Redhat 9, Apache 2.0.40 Woes

CFMX U3 requires Apache 2.0.43 or better in the 2.0 series if I remember

RedHat doesn't release new versions when it upgrades it's RPMs, it backports
the changes to the existing version.  So you'll never get a RedHat RPM for
RH8 or 9 that is newer than apache 2.0.40, even though it contains all the
changes up through 2.0.46.

Just compile apache from source.  It's pretty trivial.  If you specify the
redhat file layout, you shouldn't have to change anything about your server
config, although I can't say that for sure, as I use the standard apache


Barney Boisvert, Senior Development Engineer
AudienceCentral (formerly PIER System, Inc.) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice : 360.756.8080 x12
fax   : 360.647.5351


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Costas Piliotis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 8:07 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Redhat 9, Apache 2.0.40 Woes
> Argh...  Caught in RPM hell!  Anyways...  Trying to install cfmx over 
> apache 2.0.40 on redhat 9...  Should be compatible.  Don't even get me 
> started on my httpd 2.0.43 problems...
> Anyway...  can't start httpd.  Keeps giving me an error about 
> mod_jrun.c. Says it's not compatible with this version of apache.  
> I've installed the cfmx updater and it's upgraded succesfully per mm's 
> kb article. Anyone else had this problem?  My httpd.conf is pointing 
> to mod_jrun20.so correctly... Per mm, if I run updater 3, it should be 
> compatible woth 2.0.40.
> Argh...  Very frustrating...  I know die hard linux fans will tell me 
> to rtfm or something, but you know, for those folks who boast about 
> the superiority, there's a few things that the penguin is a bit of a 
> pain with...  And yes, I know I can compile from source.  More 
> troubles there.  I wish there was a FreeBSD port for cfmx...  It'd 
> probably work :)
> Nonetheless, it's just for development, so I'm gonna run as standalone 
> for now.  Anyone got any suggestions what I can do to get it to run 
> under apache2?  Thanks in advance eh...
> Costas Piliotis
> Application Developer
> Voyus Canada Inc.
> T: 604.630.5655 (direct line)
> F: 604.320.6568
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> privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this 
> email by anyone else
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> on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. When addressed to our
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