I installed MX on a Win2K advanced server machine (Upgrade from CF5).
None of the SQL datasources came over. Apparently it's due to my SQL
Server using windows authentication rather than SQL Server
authentication. Then I ran Updater3 and restarted and tried a site with
a SQL datasource and it worked now! For some reason the server has
restarted itself a couple times in the past 12 hours. It hasn't been
restarted in at least a couple weeks before this. Now the friggin
datasource that worked yesterday isn't working again! When you try to
verify the ds in CF Administrator it hangs the whole server for about 5
minutes until it returns some goofy CF error. Did MM not use any
error-handling in the administrator? Yikes. Anyone migrated from CF5 to
MX with windows authenticated SQL datasources? I guess I need to change
the security on the db and redo all the datasources with a SQL user
account. But man, I thought they could have done a little better with
the CF Administrator/Error handling.

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