Let me point out the scope bug...

using "this" scope exposes your data members outside of the cfc. In
addition, the varibales scope is not the default for not providing a scope
within a CFC. There is something known as the "unknown" scope. This unknown
scope allows data members to be available to functions within the CFC... not
outside of.

this.someVar would be accessible inside and outside of the CFC
someVar would be accessible inside the CFC to the functions only.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ian Skinner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:24 PM
Subject: CFC Newbie Discussion.

> I'm experimenting with my first CFC.  I've written these simple example
> files.
> *** test.cfc ***
> <cfcomponent displayname="My First CFC" hint="A trial CFC">
> <cfset this.X = 10>
> <cfset this.Y = 15>
> <cfset A = 5>
> <cfset B = 3>
> <cffunction name="multiplyXY" access="public" returntype="numeric">
> <cfset myResult = this.X * this.Y>
> <cfreturn myResult>
> </cffunction>
> <cffunction name="multiplyAB" access="public" returntype="numeric">
> <cfset myResult = A * B>
> <cfreturn myResult>
> </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> *** end ***
> *** test.cfm ***
> <cfobject name="testObj" component="test">
> <cfdump var="#testObj#">
> <cfset this.X = 12>
> <cfset this.Y = 24>
> <cfset A = 21>
> <cfset B = 32>
> <cfinvoke component="#testObj#" method="multiplyXY" returnvariable="joe"/>
> <cfinvoke component="#testObj#" method="multiplyAB" returnvariable="sam"/>
> <cfinvoke component="test" method="multiplyXY" returnvariable="joe2"/>
> <cfinvoke component="test" method="multiplyAB" returnvariable="sam2"/>
> <cfoutput>
> #testObj.X# * #testObj.Y# = #joe#<br>
> #testObj.X# * #testObj.Y# = #testObj.multiplyXY()#<br>
> #this.X# * #this.Y# = #this.X * this.Y#<br>
> <br>
> #sam#<br>
> #testObj.multiplyAB()#<br>
> #A * B#<br>
> <br>
> #joe2#<br>
> #sam2#<br>
> </cfoutput>
> *** end ***
> What I would like to discuss is the performance differences between the
> various component methods I've tested here.
> In the CFC code, the X and Y variables are in the "this" scope and the A
> B variables are in the default "variable" scope.  What are the differences
> between these practices other then the X and Y are available as properties
> of an object (obj.X and obj.Y).
> Then in the CFM code I accessed the component a couple different ways.  I
> first used a <cfobject> tag to "instantiate" an instance of the component
> a object variable "testObj".  I then accessed the methods of that instance
> with a <cfinvoke> on testObj and directly [testObj.method()].  Finally I
> just accessed the methods of the component directly with <cfinvoke>.
> I would like to discuss the pros and cons of these different practices and
> when one might be better then another.  Also, I remember reading about
> kind of scope bug involving CFC's, but since I wasn't really familiar with
> CFC's at the time, I really didn't understand what I was reading.  What
> would this be about?
> Thank You
> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> Sacramento, CA
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