OK. I don't get this.

I'm working on a site hosted on Virtualscape. I've never run across 
this before:

An error occurred while evaluating the expression:

  session.rollcount = "1"

Error near line 189, column 7.

Symbol session.rollcount is in a scope that contains data shared 
across threads and cannot be accessed without an active lock

Are there any hidden parameters for cflock I don't know about? Could 
this be because the server is running CF 4.5? I've used my cart on 
servers running 4.5 though. Could they have something set up in CF 
Administrator? Below is my cfapplication tag and the block of code 
that's throwing the error (just testing for cookies and setting cfid 
and cftoken query string if needed). Anybody see anything askew?

<cfapplication name="successway"
sessiontimeout=#CreateTimeSpan(0, 0, 20, 0)#

<CFIF not isdefined('session.rollcount')>
        <cflock timeout="60">
        <cfset session.rollcount = "1">
        <cfcookie name="mycookie" value = "test" expires="1">
        <cflock timeout="60">
        <cfset session.ID = "cfid=#client.cfid#&cftoken=#client.cftoken#">
        <cflock timeout="60">
        <cfset session.ID = "#IIf(not isDefined('cookie.mycookie'), 
DE ('cfid=#client.cfid#&cftoken=#client.cftoken#'), DE(''))#">

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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