sorry think my code got a bit mixed uo, here are the 2 files
values passed thru

<CFQUERY NAME="GetPollDetails" DATASOURCE="quickpoll">
        SELECT pol_ID, pol_Question, pol_Category, pol_Status
        FROM pol_Poll
        WHERE pol_ID = #URL.PollID#

<CFQUERY NAME="GetAnswers" DATASOURCE="quickpoll">
        SELECT ans_ID,ans_Ans
        FROM ans_Answer A
        WHERE ans_pol_ID = #url.PollID#
<!-- Display HTML FORM Here with values filled -->

<cfoutput query="getpolldetails">
<form method="POST" action="Poll_update.cfm">
<!--- <textarea rows="5" name="MainText" cols="45"> --->
<input type="hidden" name="pol_id" value="#pol_id#">
<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Poll: <input type="Text" textarea rows="5" cols="45" 
name="pol_question" size=40 value="#pol_question#">


<CFLOOP QUERY="GetAnswers">
<input type="hidden" name="ans_id#GetAnswers.CurrentRow#" 
<cfoutput><p>Answer #GetAnswers.CurrentRow#:
        <input type="text" name="answer#GetAnswers.CurrentRow#" size="45"

and then update

<cfquery name="update_Poll" datasource="quickpoll">
                                UPDATE pol_poll
                                SET pol_question = '#Trim(pol_question)#'
                                        WHERE pol_id = #pol_id#
<CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
    UPDATE ans_answer
        set answer1='#form.ans_answer1#'

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
    UPDATE ans_answer
        set answer2='#form.ans_answer2#'

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
    UPDATE ans_answer
        set answer3='#form.ans_answer3#'

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
    UPDATE ans_answer
        set answer4='#form.ans_answer4#'
<CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
    UPDATE ans_answer
        set answer5='#form.ans_answer5#'

any help greatly appreciated

>From: "janey smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: need help urgent
>Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 12:46:32 GMT
>I know this is probably an easy one but my head is wrecked,
>basically my uodate form is acting up . my dataentry form is fine passes 
>vars ok,
><!-- Display HTML FORM Here with values filled -->
><form method="POST" action="Poll_update.cfm">
><input type="hidden" name="pol_id" value="183">
><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Poll: <input type="Text" textarea rows="5" cols="45"
>name="pol_question" size=40 value="What is your favourite colour?">
><input type="hidden" name="ans_id#GetAnswers.CurrentRow#"
><p>Answer 1:
>       <input type="text" name="answer1" size="45"
>here is my update page, i now it's really messy but please help, any other
>attempts i've made just add another entry to the db, leaving the existing
>one still in the db
><cfset pagetitle = "Update Poll">
><body bgcolor="FFFFCC" link="996633" vlink="CC9966" alink="CC9966">
> ><b>#pagetitle#</b></font>
><!--- <cfupdate datasource="quickpoll" tablename="pol_poll"> --->
><!--- <cfupdate datasource="quickpoll" tablename="ans_answer"> --->
><!--- <cfquery name="qryGetID" datasource="quickpoll">
>         SELECT @@identity as pol_id
>     </cfquery> --->
><!--- <cfoutput query="qryGetID">
></cfoutput>  --->
>                <cfquery name="update_Poll" datasource="quickpoll">
>                               UPDATE pol_poll
>                               SET pol_question = '#Trim(pol_question)#'
>                                       WHERE pol_id = #pol_id#
>                       </cfquery>
><CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
>     UPDATE ans_answer
>       set answer1='#form.ans_answer1#'
><CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
>     UPDATE ans_answer
>       set answer2='#form.ans_answer2#'
><CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
>     UPDATE ans_answer
>       set answer3='#form.ans_answer3#'
><CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
>     UPDATE ans_answer
>       set answer4='#form.ans_answer4#'
><CFQUERY DATASOURCE ="quickPoll" NAME ="addanswer">
>     UPDATE ans_answer
>       set answer5='#form.ans_answer5#'
>               poll updated
>               <P><BR><P>
><input type="hidden" name="ans_id#GetAnswers.CurrentRow#"
><p>Answer 2:
>       <input type="text" name="answer2" size="45"
><input type="hidden" name="ans_id#GetAnswers.CurrentRow#"
><p>Answer 3:
>       <input type="text" name="answer3" size="45"
><input type="hidden" name="ans_id#GetAnswers.CurrentRow#"
><p>Answer 4:
>       <input type="text" name="answer4" size="45"
>value=" ">
><input type="hidden" name="ans_id#GetAnswers.CurrentRow#"
><p>Answer 5:
>       <input type="text" name="answer5" size="45"
>value=" ">
>   <select name="pol_status" size="1">
>     <option value="All">All</option>
>     <option value="New">New</option>
>     <option value="Active">Active</option>
>     <option value="Archive">Archive</option>
>     <option value="Hide">Hide</option>
>   </select>
>   Category:
>   <select name="pol_category" size="1">
>     <option value="All">All</option>
>     <option value="sports">sports</option>
>     <option value="current affairs">current affairs</option>
>     <option value="general">General</option>
>   </select>
>   <INPUT name=polltype type=radio value=Y>
>   Yes/No
>   <INPUT name=polltype type=radio value=M>
>   Multiple Choice </p>
>   <input type="submit" value="Update Poll" name="submit"></form>
>   </p>
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