The ColdFusion RDS Service on my machine (Win98 *yea, I know*) running on a
NAT'ed network, which is connected through a SDSL modem, is apparently
sending out SMTP requests, to where I have no idea.  The requests are not
getting a response nor are they timing out.  They are just pilling up in the
NAT table, which in turn is bringing our Internet connection down.

I have CF running on three basically identical machines and am only having
this problem with one.

Has anyone ever run into or heard of something like this before?  I have no
idea why CF is sending out the requests.  We have definitely narrowed the
problem down to CF, when we shut the RDS Service down on this particular
machine all is well again.

Thanks for any help/suggestions that you can send my way.

Tim Bahlke, CIFO
p. 336.230.0575
f. 336.230.0083

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