We are running IIS 4 but that isnt set in stone if that is problematic. 
so as you can guess we are on a windows environment.  I actually found a 
site that gives "free" trial SSL cetificates? is that a good idea before 
we shell out cash for a real one?  I found it here 


Jillian Carroll wrote:
> Gabriel,
> When adding SSL, it really has more to do with your web server than your
> ColdFusion server.
> If you can tell me a little more about your environment, I can probably help
> you out more easily.  Are you running IIS or Apache?  What version?  Are you
> on Windows or Linux?  
> As far as ColdFusion is concerned, it operates the same whether it's over
> SSL or not.
> --
> Jillian
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Gabriel Robichaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: June 18, 2003 12:01 PM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: SSL, Cold Fusion
>>Hey Gang...
>>I am still pertty new at this so bare with me please.
>>Ok... so lets say i have a web site that I need to secure with SSL. 
>>Where do I start? i know about getting SSL certificate, found that 
>>already, but what about this other stuff. Do I need another webserver 
>>along with the Cold Fusion server?   I think I do cause i 
>>cant create a 
>>CSR with cold fusion right?
>>How complicated is it to integrate all this? is there some 
>>somehwere or a "how to" for people who have never done SSL 
>>before?  You 
>>know like SSL & Cold Fusion for dummies?
>>Any feedback would be great!
>>Gabriel Robichaud
>>Development & Alumni Relations Services
>>McGill University
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