I can add the following snippet to the conversation:

Guidelines for using pound signs
Follow these guidelines when using pound signs:
     Use pound signs to distinguish variables or functions from plain text.
     Surround only a single variable or function in pound signs; for
example, #Variables.myVar# or #Left (myString,position)#. However, a
function in pound signs can contain nested functions, such as
#Left(trim(myString), position)#.
     Do not enclose complex expressions, such as 1 + 2, with pound signs.
     Do not use pound signs when using the cfset tag to assign one
variable's value to another value.
     Use pound signs only where necessary, because unneeded pound signs slow




----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthew Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:23 PM
Subject: RE: CFSCRIPT syntax

> Hi Mark,
> Just to add to Raymond's comments,
> I think the confusion about hashes and quotes comes about from CF tags,
> where you DO need them when you are passing a numeric or a variable as an
> attribute, i.e.
> <cfquery datasource="#mydsn#" maxrows="#maxrows#">
> In any other situation, you only need quotes around strings, and you only
> need hashes when inserting an expression into a string or cfoutputting
> it.... More or less.
> > 4) Can a CFPARAM statement be written in CFSCRIPT?  If so, how?
> Take a look at this udf:
> http://www.cflib.org/udf.cfm?ID=144
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