At 7/14/2000 02:53 PM -0500, Gavin Myers wrote:
>is there a client variable i can use to get the following information and
>store it in a database
>client host

CGI.REMOTE_ADDR is the IP address
CGI.REMOTE_HOST is the host name if you have rDNS enabled on your Web server, or the 
IP address if you don't.

>client browser type


>client screen resolution

Can't remember this one, or if it's even sent as a CGI var.  Turn on debugging in CF 
and see what's available. You should see all of the above vars come through as well.  
If this IS sent as a CGI var, then check with different browsers-- IE might be the 
only one that does this.  Otherwise, screen size might be available in some newer 
browsers via JavaScript.

>client host is the biggey, i need that on an ad campaign to make sure it
>isnt the same person over and over and over again.

Won't work.  Client IPs are not unique.  For example, all 15 milllion (or whatever) 
AOL users go through proxy servers, so you actually see only a handful of IPs from all 
of them (ok, a big handful, but you get the idea).  Also, take any dial-in user-- 
someone from an ISP fills out your form, then someone else from the same ISP, who 
happens to have been given the same IP as the first user when they dial in, tries to 
fill it out and they will get denied, even though they're a new person.  IMHO, cookies 
are the only way to safely track users.


>Any help would be appreciated,

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