> I'm trying to set up an RDS connection to a remote server 
> and am getting an error message that says 'Remote Server 
> Operation Failed - HTTP Error:404'
> Any clues on resolving this?

Depending on what web server and what version of CF you're using, the
problem could be as simple as a missing file. If you install CF 5 on Apache,
for example, it doesn't create the necessary stub file for RDS, the URL for
which is /CFIDE/Main/ide.cfm. If that URL isn't valid on your server, you
can just create an empty file there, name it ide.cfm, and you'll be all set.

If you're using CF 5 on IIS, this problem can occur if the "check that file
exists" option is enabled for the CF ISAPI extension in the IIS MMC. In this
case, you can clear the option (which will give you better performance, but
which may be undesirable for other reasons), or you can create the file as
described above.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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