The term "content management" has been used to describe a wide array of different 
methods of publishing and "managing" content. They range from a db containing a list 
of complete pages tied to something like soEditor, to a system that uploads snippets 
of content from MS word through smtp to get plugged into an html template on the 
server... So when you need or want a "content management" solution you end up with a 
lot of realy disparate types of products that you could evaluate for potential use.

MS is probably basing their comments on their own Web CMS which was originally (not 
sure about now) a tool specifically for managing web sites. Not all CMS apps are 
limited to just websites. Automating the process of publishing content to Adobe PDF 
format for instance, using the same data (usually stored or at least transfered 
through xml) as is used to publish a web site, has become a fairly common request 
amongst people looking for cm tools. And this leads to physical print publishing as 
opposed to web, so cm tools don't necessarily need to be restricted to html or even to 
the web as a medium. I suspect we'll see more xml syndication in the future in cm 
tools as well... RSS and other formats. I've heard talk of it, although I've not seen 
a lot of it done.

But to get at the "core" of what a cm tool needs, I'd say MS assessment isn't terribly 
far off from most of what you'll find on the market. A lot of web-driven, primarily 
web-publishing systems with the occasional PDF/Print and XML syndication tool. There 
must be a way for content to be created, a way for it to be stored and cataloged so it 
can be updated, and a way for it to be presented to the public (usually web).

Most systems don't stop there, however. Tapestry for instance, includes custom 
roles-based security, object-oriented custom content types and a publishing workflow 
process, all of which are commonly requested features. Tapestry 5 is in beta 
currently, with the latest major feature added being native support for multiple 
languages so that you can maintain content in multiple languages and make sure that 
all your content is properly translated. Further add-on components are planned for 
version control (this is currently in development), added workflow process and ftp 
syndication (so you can manage content on one server and automatically publish 
directly to another server).

CMS Watch ( ) is a good source for general information... 

This recent article provides support for Tapestry's publishing model. The author uses 
the term "parbaking" to describe not only how Tapestry was envisioned, but how it 
works in practice on the new epoch site currently:

I've been talking about what this article describes for a while and its always seemed 
like its fallen on deaf ears (or people couldn't understand what I was describing) -- 
this is the first time I've seen anyone else mention it. The long and the short of 
this is that it provides the best of both worlds. Content which must be dynamic when a 
visitor views a page remains dymanic. All other infrequently altered content (layouts 
and navigation, etc.) is pre-generated to largely static page files. So you get both 
dynamic content and wicked-fast delivery regardless of the volume of content on the 

This also goes a long way toward your second question about the design of a site 
changing dramatically over time. Because each bit of the layout is maintained 
separately (a link here, a menu there, a header someplace else), and because the 
content isn't all generated entirely at run-time, the system also acts as its own 
staging server, so you can work with new layouts and designs without affecting 
visitors to the site. 


s. isaac dealey                972-490-6624

new epoch            

lead architect, tapestry cms

tapestry api is opensource

certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer

> I hope this is not OT.  I'd like to get a better
> understanding of the definition of CMS.  According to
> Microsoft, it seems that the core functions of CMS should
> over Content Creation, Publishing and Storage.  Is there a
> general agreement on this?  Or am I missing something big
> here?
> Secondly, personally I think the publishing part is a very
> tough task considering the fact that most design seem to
> change a lot over some time span for Intranet, Extranet or
> Internet, so, the integration of publishing and (future)
> design would be a huge challenge.

> Li, Chunshen (Don)
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