GetPageContext() allows you to gain access to the underlying JSP/Servlet page context.
This allows you to share sessions and requests with JSP's and Servlets as well as letting you perform server-side re-directs and forwards. <cflocation> as I'm sure you know performs a client-side redirect. The full scope of possibilities that access to the page context is not covered here. For more information refer to your CF Documentation ("Integrating J2EE and Java elements in CFML Applications) For more information on methods available to the page context refer to the JSP/Servlet API's available from Alternatively, look for any JSP tutorial that mentions the context. That should get you on your way. André -----Original Message----- From: Tyler Silcox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 08 July 2003 13:56 To: CF-Talk Subject: GetPageContext() function...cfinclude from a cfscript? Could someone please explain what GetPageContext() does within CFMX? I just came across it in one of the other posts and it got me thinking about using GetPageContext().include("somefile.cfm") for cfincludes within cfscripts, but it doesn't seem to share the same memory/variables (which, I guess, could be a benefit.) What is possible with this tag? Is it slow? What other functions are available, etc? I've gotta know! Tyler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Archives: Subscription: FAQ: Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in ColdFusion and related topics. Unsubscribe: