On Wednesday, Jul 9, 2003, at 13:13 US/Pacific, Hagan, Ryan Mr 
(Contractor ACI) wrote:
> function list_categories( $parentId, $level ) {

<cffunction name="list_categories">
        <cfargument name="parentId" type="numeric">
        <cfargument name="level" type="numeric">

>       global $database, $connection;  
>       $numSpaces = 5;

        <cfset var numSpaces = 5>
        <cfset var result = 0>
        <cfset var spaces = 0>
        <cfset var spaceString = "">

>       $query = "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE parentId = " . $parentId;
>       $result = mysql_query($query, $connection);

        <cfquery datasource="#request.connection#" name="result">
                SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE parentId = #arguments.parentId#

>       while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {

        <cfloop query="result">

>               // output spaces for proper indentation
>               for ( $spaces=0; $spaces<=($level*$numSpaces); $spaces++ )

                <cfloop index="spaces" from="1" to="#level * numSpaces#">

>                       echo '&nbsp;';

                        <cfset spaceString = spaceString & "&nbsp;">
                <!--- output this category prefixed by spaceString --->

>               echo '<br>\n';

                <br />

>               list_categories( $row["itemId"], $level+1 );

                <cfset list_categories( result.itemId, level+1 )>

>       }


> }
> // list entire table in tree format
> list_categories( 0, 0 );

<cfset list_categories( 0, 0 )>

> I'd love to be able to write this code in CFMX, but for several 
> reasons,
> it's just not possible.

See above. Untested but it should be pretty close.

> First and foremost, we can't run queries inside of <cfscript> tags.  
> Bummer.

So write the function using tags as above.

> Second, even if the query issue were resolved (and if you've got ideas 
> for
> work-arounds, I'd love to hear them), you've now got variable scope 
> issues.

Not a problem - see above.

> A variable declared in a CFMX page is global (correct me if I'm wrong) 
> to
> the entire page, even inside of functions.

Yes, it's in the "variables" scope. The solution is to use "var" to 
declare local variables in a function.

> In other words, unlike PHP, CFMX
> functions do not have their own scope separate from the rest of the 
> page

Wrong - see above.

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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