
>Are there any benchmarks or thresholds for the "proper" amount of memory
>usage jrun.exe should be using,

I haven't seen any specific numbers because it is specific to individual
apps running. So an application that makes heavy use of application, and
session variables will need more memory than a site that didn't.

>or does mx manage this better and grow as needed and then release it when

Because MX runs on the Java Virtual Machine now, memory management is done
by the JVM's garbage collector. Basically the way this works is when an
object (variable) has no references to it (no variables that point to it are
in scope any longer) then the object is ok to collect. The garbage collector
runs through the heap (all the objects) and frees memory where it can. There
are several garbage collection algorithms that you can use, tuning garbage
collection is actually one of the more important factors in tuning a java
application. Because the garbage collector takes resources to search the
heap you don't want it running more than it has to, you also don't want to
run out of memory.

You might find this document interesting:

Pete Freitag
Author: The ColdFusion MX Developers Cookbook

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