How big is the php page that's coming back?  ReFind() has some character
limitations (about 22k or so), so if the page is any bigger, it just fails.
No error, no message, no grace -- it just doesn't find anything.

Assuming the page is small enough, you should be looking for something like


I changed just the & to an & or ? so it would find the string even if it's
the first in the query string.  The {32} means to look for 32 of the
previous construct (in this case, an alnum).


As always, if you need more assistance, Ninjas are standing by:
HoF CF-RegEx -- for all your regex needs.

--  Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software, Inc

: -----Original Message-----
: From: Ryan Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 10:50 AM
: To: CF-Talk
: Subject: Re: Cfhttp (now regex help needed...)
: Ok, cool i've got this aspect working, thanks dave...
: Now... I am doing a cfhttp on a php page and need to return the
: php sid, so
: basically I need to search through the string and find
: "sid=....." where the .... Represent a 32 char alphanumeric string...
: I've tried
: ReFind('&sid=([[:alnum:]])+',cfhttp.FileContent)
: But it doesnąt seem to work... Any thoughts?
: Sorry for all this annoyance...
: This is so worth it if I get this working!
: Ryan

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