
Paul Wrote:
"the quality is already pretty lousy.
the only real reason to stream is to help lbu, but with a 60meg.rm 
file or 80meg.mpg then i think those 14.4 users are out of luck.."

Such is the nature of streaming. Forget about 14.4, I was talking about anything less 
than a DSL/Cable Modem/Network Connection! In streaming, the size of the file does not 
matter. Instead it is the speed you encode the video that matters. You could have a 
100 Meg file... but if it is encoded at 39K, then a dial-up user could still see the 
video. For a good demonstration, take a look a at one of their music videos 
and use the bandwidth drop down list to compare the quality of each video.

On any streaming platform this will occur. On the other hand, with video files this 
big, you will need to stream. Knowing the quality is pretty lousy, you may want to go 
with the 144 X 72 pixel format, thereby hiding bad quality. 

What is your current server platform? Are we talking Windows 2K? How about Unix? This 
will make a big difference how you'll stream.

Paul Wrote:
"changing a wins address on the cf server would hose up sessions & kill 
the cfmail connections!!"

Are you using NetBios (UNCs) names to call the mail server? You might want to consider 
using the server's IP address (hopefully internal) to call the mail server.

Jeremy Brodie
p3 Web Development

>thanks guys.
>did find out the real server is out of it, even though we own it
>the port is blocked, & we don't have a spare box.
>the quality is already pretty lousy.
>the only real reason to stream is to help lbu, but with a 60meg.rm 
>file or 80meg.mpg then i think those 14.4 users are out of luck..
>not sure what route to go yet..
>have more pressing problems..
>changing a wins address on the cf server would hose up sessions & kill 
>the cfmail connections!!
>and why these needed to be changed in the first place..
>thanks again

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