> Not at all! I've found this thread very interesting. I'm 
> just trying to figure out how ASP.NET implements an event 
> model using HTTP. I have Virtual PC on order, and if I ever 
> get it, I might just install Visual Studio and find out 
> for myself how it all works.

It doesn't implement an event model, really - it's all just an illusion.
That's the beauty of Visual Studio.NET - it lets experienced Windows
developers build web applications using the same logical models they already
know from building desktop and client-server apps. Of course, if you're
already comfortable with the more traditional model of web development, you
might not find as much value in this.

I would, however, strongly recommend that you check it out. There's nothing
else out there quite like it. You'd better have a really kick-ass Mac,
though, if you want to run VS.NET and IIS in Virtual PC.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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