Are all your fields character/text fields?

At 2:52 PM -0600 7/18/2000, Erika Foster wrote:
>I can't find the syntax error in the following INSERT INTO
>statement - someone with good eyes, please help me out!
><cfquery name="addrow" datasource="#dbname#">
>  INSERT INTO OWS (owsid, type, date, capacity, length, width, height,
>manufacturer, serial,
>     discharge, repairs, repairdates, cleaning1, cleaning2, contractorname,
>     contractorPOC, contractorphone, license, sludge, sample, locationid,
>VALUES ('#thisowsid#', '#thistype#', '#thisdate#', '#thiscapacity#',
>      '#thiswidth#', '#thisheight#', '#thismanufacturer#', '#thisserial#',
>      '#thisrepairs#', '#thisrepairdates#', '#thiscleaning1#',
>'#thiscleaning2#', '#Thiscontractorname#',
>      '#thiscontractoraddress#', '#thiscontractorPOC#',
>'#thiscontractorphone#', '#thislicense#',
>      '#thissludge#', '#thissample#', '#thislocationid#', '#thissiteid#')
>   </cfquery>
>gives this result with dummy data:
>[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO
>SQL = "INSERT INTO OWS (owsid, type, date, capacity, length, width, height,
>manufacturer, serial, discharge, repairs, repairdates, cleaning1, cleaning2,
>contractorname, contractoraddress, contractorPOC, contractorphone, license,
>sludge, sample, locationid, siteid) VALUES ('1', 'jkl', 'jkl', 'jkl', 'jk',
>'jk', 'jk', 'jk;', 'jkl', 'jk', 'jk', 'jk', 'jk', 'jk', 'jk', 'jk', 'jk',
>'jk', 'jk', 'jk', 'jk', '02', '27A25')"
>Thanks for you help!
>Erika Foster
>engineering-environmental Management
>Applications Developer
>(505) 866-1654
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