Anyone here knows the timetable for CF 5.0? As for the pharoh engine, is
it going to compile CFML straight to java bytecode or it it gonna
translate it to JSP as show in the tech roadmap pdf?

On to misc questions. =)

1) Has anyone gotten or know the meaning behind "Pure virtual function
call exception error" on CF 4.5.1 with W2K? A window pops up with that
error and CF continues to function. however, if you click on ok on the
pop-up windows box, cf services stops. Very very weird.

2) Another weird thing and has to do with the CFFILE i/o interaction.
CFFILE is throwing errors when it shouldn't be. This happens when CFFILE
is accessing a folder with file count larger than approx. 13800 files.
The file system is FAT32 running on W2K Advanced Server.

I'm baffled by these errors and would love to know the timeline for CF
5.0 which will finally allow us to make 24/7 programs and not have to
wait for cfschedule or someone hitting the server for it to run tasks.
I'm pretty excited. =)

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