> One is for administration and maintenance, and one is for 
> usabilty.
> Is www.macromedia.com/software/coldfusion hard to remember?  
> No, but it might change to 
> www.macromedia.com/software/servers/coldfusion next week.
> www.macromedia.com/go/coldfusion, on the other hand, will 
> NEVER change, and gives MM the ability to muck with their 
> URLs as they need to. 
>  That level of abstraction should be used for all application 
> that intend for people to jump into the middle, regardless 
> of what their URLs actually look like. If you have controlled 
> access (a login form) then it's probably irrelevant, since 
> people will have to start at the homepage, but for anything 
> else, it's a really good idea, especially content-heavy sites.

That's a good argument, I suppose. I don't run into this very often; most
everything I get to work on is more of an application with a highly
structured path, or if it's a content-heavy site, it's using a CMS anyway.
Also, two levels of abstraction in this case require additional
setup/migration steps, so that if an application is put in a new
environment, someone has to remember to create the redirects, unless they're
done in CF rather than in the web server configuration.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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