Hi All, Have not been online like this all summer... but now I'm bloody 
stuck. I have been chasing my tail for a few days now.

I am looping through a record set(OldQuery) and adding an arbitrary number 
of NewColumns to it, the number of columns added is dependent upon how many 
of something else NotImportantHere that I find. I hope the code here is 
clear in it's intention... but the code is failing. I can't seem to get the 
VariableNaming and using of Arrays proper. Any and all help appreciated... 
Bottomline, just can't see my way past the dynamic naming and using of the 
Arrays described below.

<cfset MaxColNum = 0>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#OldQuery.RecordCount#">
   <cfquery name="NewQuery"><!---Get Some NewData to Add to the OldQuery--->
     SELECT * From SomeOtherTable
     WHERE SomeValue = OldQuery.SomeValue[i]
   <cfif NewQuery.RecordCount><!---Then add NewQuery info to proper 1 
dimensional Array--->
     <cfif NewQuery.RecordCount GT MaxColNum>
       <cfset MaxColNum = NewQuery.RecordCount>
     <cfloop index="j" from="1" to="NewQuery.RecordCount">

  --- problem is below ---

       <cfif isDefined("NewCol#j#")>
         <cfset NewCol#j#[i] = NewQuery.TheNewData[j]>
         <cfset NewCol#j# = NewArray(1)>
         <cfset NewCol#j#[i] = NewQuery.TheNewData[j]>

  --- problem is above ---


<!---Now Add the NewColArrays built above into the Origional OldQuery--->
<cfloop index="j" from="1" to="#MaxColNum#">

  --- another problem is below ---

   <cfset nCol = QueryAddColumn(OldQuery, "ColName#j#", NewCol#j#)>

  --- another problem is below ---


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