I installed the support tools from the win2k CD. Passed the correct path to the 
cfexecute tag.

<cfsavecontent variable="processList"> 
<cfexecute name="c:\program files\support tools\tlist.exe" 
<cfset isRunning = Find("SiteMinder executable", "#processList#")> 

processList outputs nothing.
isRunning always returns "0" even when the SiteMinder service is started. Any ideas 
why this is happenning?

>Jochem van Dieten wrote:
>> ColdFusion Programmer wrote:
>>>Thanks Jochem for the code, however I can't find the file "list.exe" 
>or the folder "resource kit". I've got W2K Server installed on my pc. 
>Any ideas?
>> Sorry, should be tlist.exe. It is in the Resource Kit.
>Actually, with Win2K it is on the CD under /support/tools. You 
>should check out the other goodies there as well.
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