
I'm displaying some moderately small decimals. I need to "undo" the scientific format 
these decimals normally display in and print ALL the leading zeroes, followed by the 
first two significant digits. Here are some examples:

0.001 --> 0.001
5.3E-4 --> 0.00053
6.428E-5 --> 0.000064
2.0 E-6 --> 0.000002

I've messed around with NumberFormat(), and some regular expressions, to no avail. 
Here is the code I currently have. It's almost there but sometimes it picks up an 
extra non-zero. And it would be nice to figure out some code that's more readable too:

0.#RepeatString( "0", Abs(Int(Log10(someValue))) - 1 )##REReplace( someValue, 
"\.0*([0-9]{0,2}).*", "\1" )#

This results in the following:
0.001 --> 0.0001
5.3E-4 --> 0.00053
6.428E-5 --> 0.0000642
2.0E-6 --> 0.000002

Don't ask how that RepeatString got in there.

Any ideas?

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