We have a text area that allows a user to enter HTML code.  This works fine,
but we are seeing unwanted characters added to the field value.
Specifically the character " ".

We have been unable to find where this character is comming from.  The
process is as follws:  1) user enters HTML in the text area (with or without
the help of the eWebEditPro editor), 2) the data gets saved to the data
base.  3) The page gets refreshed and pulls the field contents from the
database.  At this point we are seeing the extra characters in the field.  I
have been unable to determine if this happens when the data goes to the
database, when it comes from the database, or when it's being rendered.  The
database records do not show any weird characters, but when we take the
value and preview it (dump the field to an HTML page), the character
appears.  If the record get's saved again, the character itself WILL appear
in the database, and previewing the new record in HTML shows this characrer
plus an extra one before and after it.

I just did a google search and didn't find anything relating to this issue
(but maybe my search terms weren't quite right).  So, I'm a little stumped.
In the short term I'm searching for "&##160;" and replacing it with a space
when I save my data, but this isn't fixing the cause of the prolbem.

Any ideas?


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