Oops.... guess I should read all the way through before offering advice... 
sorry...  Perhaps a search of your registry???

At 03:44 PM 7/25/03 -0500, you wrote:

>Anyone else have this problem?
>I have had my IE Browser start opening the Search on the left... and it
>brings up smarter.com.  I can not seem to get it to quit.  When I go places
>it will randomly pop up.  Not just when searching.  I can click on a page
>and it will pop up.  then it will not for a while.  I have Ad-Aware and it
>cleaned my system but does not fine this one.
>I will give these points and a grade of A to the person who helps me remove
>this from my browser.
>I do have the google toolbar, Yahoo toolbar installed.  I have Microsoft IE
>Browser 6.0 and Win XP.
>Not sure what else you need to know to find out what to do to this but hope
>this is enough.
>I have used spyware, ad-aware, Browser Hijack Blaster, BHODemon, and
>MSConfig to remove smarter.com but no luck.
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