On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 09:10 AM, Rich Z wrote:

> Hi all:
> I grabbed the DRK4 files this past weekend and noticed that RSS 
> Untangle
> required Red Sky (or the 1.4 JVM). I'm sort of surprised Macromedia
> would put out a DRK that isn't even supported on the current CFMX
> release. Any idea why this occurred? My guess is Red Sky is very close.

Yes, Red Sky is close.  I've been saying "this summer" all summer, and 
we are certainly well into the summer.

There are a couple of ColdFusion projects on DRK 4 which require Red 
Sky in certain circumstances, but there are always work-arounds.  For 
instance, RSS Untangle only requires Red Sky for the updated JVM, which 
means you can just update the JVM with your existing installation of 
ColdFusion and RSSU will work fine.  Pollster needs Red Sky on Unix 
platforms (other than OS X) because all the components in the 
application are mixed case, which is not supported by the current 
version of ColdFusion MX.  If you don't have Red Sky, the work-around 
is to create lower case symbolic links, as described in the 

We wrote Red Sky specific code only where we thought it actually would 
make configuration and usage easier.  For instance, RSSU requires a new 
JDK for it's built-in XML support.  The XML parsing is done in Java 
(not ColdFusion), so we couldn't rely on ColdFusion's ability to parse 
XML, or the Java libraries underneath it since ColdFusion encapsulates 
the functionality well enough that future implementations might contain 
different versions of the underlying Java libraries.  We needed an XML 
implementation we could count on not changing for a while, so rather 
than requiring the usage of third-party parsers, we decided to use the 
functionality that Sun already provides.


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