no problem...

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 9:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Access SQL Question :(

ohhh I thought it was around the field value.

You got it.

Thanks everyone


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 10:05 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Access SQL Question :(


AS has been mentioned, if you are creating a string and passing it to the
cfquery tag, make sure and use preserveSinglequotes( ) around it:

<cfquery name="update" datasource="blah">


If you do not, the CF escapes the single quotes FOR you.... and you end up

update printers set MAKE = '' new make'',

So the driver interprets that as Make = ''... then it trys to do something
with the word "new".  Since there is no comma, it is expecting a WHERE or
some other key word - hence the violation. Why don't you send the full
detaisl of the error to the list - where the sytax is visible in the
details. That might be a better clue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 8:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Access SQL Question :(


I am trying to work out an update statement for Access.  It's on CF 4.5.  I
am generating the SQL in a cfscript, it will be below.  The final script
looks like this:

update printers set MAKE = 'new make', MODEL = 'new model', PRODUCTTYPE =
'new product', PRINTERGROUP = 'new grogugp', CATEGORY = 'new cgategory',
CSPEED = 0, ONSALEPRICE = '$0.00', MSRP = '$0.00', SOL2 = 1, SOL4 = 1, SOL6
= 1, SOL7 = 1, SOL8 = 1, sol1 = 0, sol3 = 0, sol5 = 0 where printerID = 120

It runs fine in Access, but throws this through CF:

ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in
query expression '''new make'''.

Any Ideas?  BTW, this is a dynamic script I am writing, the form has a great
many fields, and would just be a major pain to write conditionals for each
and every one.


        // this is the beginning of the query string, I will append values to it as
I go
        variables.myQuery = 'update printers set ';

        // loop through form.fieldnames and find those that have a length and
append them to the goodFields list
        variables.goodFields = '';

        for(i = 1; i lte listLen(form.fieldNames); i = i + 1){
                        variables.goodFields =

        // this is the total count of the good field names
        goodCount = listLen(variables.goodFields);

        // now that we have the list of good fields we have to get the list of
fields that must be set back to zero
        variables.myList = "sol1,sol2,sol3,sol4,sol5,sol6,sol7,sol8";

        zerolist = '';
        for (i=1; i LTE ListLen(myList, ","); i=i+1) {
            if (NOT ListFindNoCase(form.fieldNames, ListGetAt(myList, i, ","),
                zeroList = ListAppend(zeroList, ListGetAt(myList, i, ","), ",");

        // this is the total count of the zero field names
        zeroCount = listLen(variables.zeroList);

        // append the two list to each other and count them to know how many loops
we will have until there are no more commas
        totalCount = zeroCount + goodCount;

        // this variable will keep track of how many total loops have been executed
        loopCount = 1;

        // now we will begin to generate the sql statement
        for(i = 1; i lte goodCount; i = i + 1){
                if(lcase(listGetAt(goodFields, i)) neq "printerid"){
                        // get the current field
                        thisField = listGetAt(goodFields, i);

                        // append it to the query string
                        variables.myQuery = variables.myQuery & thisField & " = ";
                                variables.myQuery = variables.myQuery & 
                                variables.myQuery = variables.myQuery & "'" & 
form[thisField] & "'";

                        if(loopCount neq totalCount){
                                variables.myQuery = variables.myQuery & ", ";

                // incriment loopCount to keep track of the total loops
                loopCount = loopCount + 1;

        // now we add the ones that have to be set back to zero to the query
        for(i = 1; i lte zeroCount; i = i + 1){
                // get the current field
                thisField = listGetAt(zeroList, i);

                // append the value to the query
                variables.myQuery = variables.myQuery & thisField & " = 0";

                if(loopCount neq totalCount){
                        variables.myQuery = variables.myQuery & ", ";

                // incriment loopCount to keep track of the total loops
                loopCount = loopCount + 1;


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