> Question:  I want to send cookie headers.  Unfortunately,
> CFX_HTTP seems to be sending the cookie header that CF normally
> sends, and ignores my ADDlHeaders call. Is this the correct
> syntax, or am I doing something wrong?
> <CFX_HTTP URL="#TRIM(ATTRIBUTES.URL)#" AddlHeaders="Cookie:

I've never used CFX_HTTP, but I do know that the actual HTTP response header
should look like this:

Set-Cookie: CFID=10959; expires=Sun, 27-Sep-2037 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;

You'd use "Cookie: ..." in an HTTP request header coming from the browser.

As a side note, I'd like to emphasize how important it is, as CGI
programmers (which is what CF developers are), to have a thorough
understanding of the HTTP protocol, as well as to understand how to debug
problems with HTTP requests and responses. One nice thing about HTTP is that
generally it's easy to figure out why something isn't working correctly,
because HTTP requests and responses are plain text, and can be viewed using
various tools. I've mentioned some of these things on the list before, such
as telnet, netcat, CoolFusion's HTTP analyzer, and Tim Meadowcroft's Perl
HTTP recording proxy:


There are lots of others as well. No matter which tool you use, you can
usually get to the bottom of HTTP problems pretty quickly, as long as you
can see what's actually being passed around, and what it should look like.
Of course, it's a little harder if you're using SSL to encrypt HTTP data,
but even then, there are tools that will let you see what's being passed
back and forth in certain controlled conditions (although those tools can be
pretty expensive).

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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