ok, I put the files under wwwroot

the machii folder with the framework files.

and I have under wwwroot/research/machII/contactManager

but I get this...

Could not find the ColdFusion Component
Please check that the given name is correct and that the component
The error occurred in
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MachII\framework\ListenerManager.cfc: line 20
Called from C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MachII\framework\AppFactory.cfc: line 33
Called from C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MachII\framework\AppLoader.cfc: line 39
Called from C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MachII\framework\AppLoader.cfc: line 19
Called from
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\research\machII\contactManager\mach-ii.cfm: line 12
Called from
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\research\machII\contactManager\cf~index.cfm: line 2
18 :                    <cfset type =
listenerNodes[i].xmlAttributes['type'] />
19 :                    
20 :                    <cfset listener = CreateObject('component',
type) />
21 :                    <cfset listener.init() />
22 :                    <cfset addListener(name, listener) />


tony weeg
uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
tony at navtrak dot net
office 410.548.2337
fax 410.860.2337

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 12:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Mach II 1.0 released

like a zombie walkingout of a dark tunnelll

"....must get core files....must get core files....."


tony weeg
uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
tony at navtrak dot net
office 410.548.2337
fax 410.860.2337

-----Original Message-----
From: Critz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 12:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Mach II 1.0 released

oi Tony!!

i did



worked ayt for me...

Currently Playing: Black Eyed Peas - Latin Girls

Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 12:10:16 PM, you wrote:

TW> so do those files always have to right under the wwwroot?

TW> I have it like..

TW> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\research\machII\contactManager\

TW> and then the files are under there....

TW> 3 of them, application.cfm | index.cfm | mach-ii.cfm

TW> and then the folders

TW> 4 of them, config | filters | model | views

TW> what am I doing wrong?

TW> tony weeg
TW> uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
TW> tony at navtrak dot net
TW> www.navtrak.net
TW> office 410.548.2337
TW> fax 410.860.2337

TW> -----Original Message-----
TW> From: Craig Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TW> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:22 AM
TW> To: CF-Talk
TW> Subject: RE: Mach II 1.0 released

TW> I think you need the core files in your wwwroot dir Tony, ie 
TW> C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MachII\......

TW> Just unzip it to wwwroot.

TW> I don't get any framework errors atm, but I still can't get either
TW> the demo applications running.

TW> Could not find the ColdFusion Component
TW> Seems to be the favoured error.

TW> -----Original Message-----
TW> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TW> Sent: 13 August 2003 16:02
TW> To: CF-Talk
TW> Subject: RE: Mach II 1.0 released

TW> Could not find the ColdFusion Component MachII.framework.AppLoader.

TW> Please check that the given name is correct and that the component
TW> exists.  
TW> The error occurred in
TW> C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\research\machII\contactManager\mach-ii.cfm: line
TW> 9 : <!---<cfset application.appLoader = "" /> --->
TW> 10 : <cfif NOT (IsDefined('application.appLoader') AND
TW> IsObject(application.appLoader))>
TW> 11 :        <cfset application.appLoader = CreateObject('component',
TW> 'MachII.framework.AppLoader') />
TW> 12 :        <cfset application.appLoader.init(MACHII_CONFIG_PATH) />
TW> 13 : </cfif>


TW> tony weeg
TW> uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
TW> tony at navtrak dot net
TW> www.navtrak.net
TW> office 410.548.2337
TW> fax 410.860.2337

TW> -----Original Message-----
TW> From: Hal Helms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
TW> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:59 AM
TW> To: CF-Talk
TW> Subject: RE: Mach II 1.0 released

TW> We've seen this a couple of times. It's been an issue of caching. If
TW> you're sure you have the latest stuff, throw out the compiled files
TW> cycle the cfmx server. I think you'll find the problem goes away.

TW> Hal Helms
TW> "Java for CF Programmers" class 
TW> in Las Vegas, August 18-22
TW> www.halhelms.com

TW> -----Original Message-----
TW> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
TW> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:35 AM
TW> To: CF-Talk
TW> Subject: RE: Mach II 1.0 released

TW> freddy.....what file did you change? and how?

TW> tony weeg
TW> uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
TW> tony at navtrak dot net
TW> www.navtrak.net
TW> office 410.548.2337
TW> fax 410.860.2337

TW> -----Original Message-----
TW> From: Freddys Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
TW> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:37 AM
TW> To: CF-Talk
TW> Subject: Mach II 1.0 released

TW> Mark,
TW> Yup, I have the newest files fresh from the site this morning.. I've
TW> been awaiting their release for a while now! :) I'm on CFMX 6.1,
TW> my environment should be alright. I just figured it was some file
that I
TW> had to configure in the framework before the apps would work.  
TW> Any other advice?
TW> -Freddys

>>Make sure you have the latest framework code (core files) - It has
>>updates needed for the example apps.


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