ok first i am using cfdirectory to browse for files that i am "trying" to feed back to 
a can brows the files i want..

i am not able to force the pop up that displays my directory structure to close using 
the window.close(); inside of cftreeitem.
also the window to receive the info isn't getting it..

is this doable with in cfdir & tree?

<cftreeitem value="#Global_Images.name#" display="#Global_Images.name#" 
parent="Global_Images" img="#request.publicurl#/EM/Global_Images/paint10.gif" href='#' 
window.close();"  queryasroot="no" expand="yes">

also i am not passing that value back to the window i need to..


from there docs

If you want to implement your custom browser pay attention to these instructions:
After the user selected the file, write in the browser something like this: 
    <SCRIPT language=javascript>
        window.setImage('" + sFileURL + "') ;
        window.close() ;

This will set the new image in the image dialog box and close your custom page.


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