linkified....i love it!


tony weeg
uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
tony at navtrak dot net
office 410.548.2337
fax 410.860.2337

-----Original Message-----
From: Qasim Rasheed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 9:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: search performance

Hello Tony

Have you looked at I assume there are couple of UDF which
can help you. An example is linkified

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 8:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: search performance


whats the best way to turn a query into a struct, since I know its
*almost* a struct, but not really accessible like would one
best turn a query object into a struct, to do structStuff with it :)
this is all very interesting to me, since all I do all day long is query
tune, and work to make our reports engine a WHOLE LOT faster!!!

thanks for any info...

tony weeg
uncertified advanced cold fusion developer
tony at navtrak dot net
office 410.548.2337
fax 410.860.2337

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 3:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: search performance

While running some code on CFMX, I saw what looked like a performance
degradation. In order to check it out, I ran a few tests and below are
the results. The test was to run a query, cache it and then use some
code to search that query for a value later on. This might sound like a
perfect job for query of queries, but I've always found that to be
rather slow and we're just doing a fast, simple search. The 7 different
search types used were: 1. Query of Queries 2. turn the DB into a
ValueList() and then run ListFind() 3. Assume that the valuelist() from
above is cached, run ListFind 4. Do a QueryLoop 5. Turn the query into a
struct and do structkeyexists() 6. assume that the struct from above is
cached, do structkeyexists() 7. assume that the struct from above is
cached, do StructFindKey()

In CF5, the fastest across the board was number 6. Turning the query
into a structure was rather costly time wise, but once it was cached,
StructKeyExists() always had a speed of 0. 3 and 7 were almost always
neck and neck while 3 was considered better as turning the query into a
list was rather fast. 4 was always slow while 1 was right behind it. The
results show that when looking for a value in a query in CF 5, QoQ may
not be the answer while lists look like a very viable solution. This
changes in CFMX CFMX 6.1 showed everything to be faster EXCEPT lists
which became slower (valuelist lost a lot of power). In CFMX, structures
still ruled speed wise as long as the query was turned into a structure
first. If not, then it was still rather slow.  QoQ beat out list
searching when no caching was in place but again lost when the list was
cached. Final results: Caching helps if you can use it. If not, then QoQ
is the best route to go for a single search.

More details and full stats in the next issue of FA. Also, I've got to
change some code in HoF to take advantage of these results.

Michael Dinowitz
Finding technical solutions to the problems you didn't know you had yet


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