At this point I am really getting ticked with MACR. I paided for Studio MX when it 
came out, I even paid for the DevNet Essentials at their cut rate price of $199. But 
now after going through what they posted as "new" features to DWMX 2004, I think MACR 
is just out to screw the independent developer.

- Right Click Coder Tools <--- DRK 4

- CFML Function reference <--- DRK 3 or free from

- Better SQL Query Builder <--- DRK 4

- ASP.NET Reference <-- DRK 3

- PHP Reference <--- DRK 3

- SQL Reference <--- DRK 2

- ASP.NET Form Controls <--- DRK 3

- PHP Server Behaviors <--- DRK 2

MACR finally put better CSS support and SFTP, but really can ANYONE tell me why I 
should pay for the extentions again? And this makes me wonder what extentions are 
repacked from the DRKs into Flash 2004.

The only feature I want to work is to map CNTRL-ALT-O to cfoutput. That will make one 
ColdFusion coder REALLY happy.


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