Hello all, 

I just cracked it - using CF 5.0, MSxml 3.0, win2k server

             guess it can be done.. 

used an url variable & addparameter method in the transformation with MUCH trial and 
error on syntax and components. wotta MESS - can't say I'm in love with XML/XSL at the 

- Flashlight


-----Original Message-----

From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:00 PM

To: CF-Talk

Subject: RE: CF in XSL, passing variables


Bruce it is not possible to pass a variable to your stylesheet with the

current implementation of XSLT. I have seen posts on xml.com regarding XSLT2

where this is in the works for the next version of XSLT. There may be a few

3rd party tools that can help with this. The first place I would check is

xml.com, I remember seeing a solution to your problem awhile back but don't

remember where I had seen it.

-----Original Message-----

From: Bruce Rojas-Rennke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:12 AM

To: CF-Talk

Subject: RE: CF in XSL, passing variables


Hey thanks for the post,

Actually I'm wanting to generate HTML, not XML with my XSL transform. does

that negate the below approach?

thanks- Flashlight

-----Original Message-----

From: Ciaran Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: None

To: CF-Talk

Subject: CF in XSL, passing variables


I think I know what you are trying to do, and it's simply not possible. You

want to be able to access a variable like a URL variable in a HTML page from

within your XSL page.

There is a way to do this in Java's implementation of XSL, but not the

flavour that Cold fusion have given us. I even went to CF_Europe and

cornered a guy about it and he says that MM weren't planning to allow that

functionality, and to essentially move on and find another way :(

But I did, even though it's a bit of a pain.

What I did (this assumes you are using your XSL to render a XML document)

was insert a generic node set under the root node of the doc I was trying to

render, like so:



<!-- Insert immediatley before render -->


<param name="productID">2323221</param>

<param name="ProductName">Oil Filter</param>




The values are totally up to you. Since you then know in your XSL that you

have a generic nodeset under the root node of your XML document, you can

create hidden variables in your HTML from these, and then use them like form


Hope this helps your situation :)



>Hello all,


>I am trying to pass an url variable from one xsl page to another and USE



>How could I...


>a.) invoke the url-variable in xsl..




>b.) output Cold Fusion in the XSL page, like..



>this has gotten me NO replies in various XSL forums,

>gawd - can't you pass a bloody variable in XSL, what a pain in the a**


>all thanks - flashlight






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