Hi Sean,

I know my 'dream' is a bit farfetched, but surely it's doable :P

I believe the help system in DWMX is hugely inferior to CFS. I mean
dramatically inferior. To reiterate, you can't copy the example code. You
can't search the reference. If you hit F1 on a function, you get nothing.
That functionality is, well, simple. You can search windows help, and copy
and paste from it. There's simply no excuse for that. And we were getting
function references on F1 in CFS in 1998, why is it so hard now? Does 2004
address any of this?

Did I type that about the color coding for CFS being better, because I'm
certainly wrong about that,  DWMX definitely wins hands down on color coding
for CF code, but loses in spades for SQL code coloring (it doesn't do it).

I agree with Massimo, the CF specific toolbar in DWMX doesn't compare to the
CF specific toolbar in CFS. Right click on the one in CFS and choose
customize, you'll see why. And again, we had this in 1998.

I have no issue with the general support for HTML, Javascript, CSS and XML
in DWMX, and in DWMX 2004, the CSS has really come a long way...

And theres a couple of huge usability issues with DWMX that I'm particularly
frustrated with, especially because of their simplicity to implement.


- Calvin

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sean A Corfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?

> On Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003, at 11:20 US/Pacific, Calvin Ward wrote:
> > Wouldn't you like to be able to open a page within the IDE, go through
> > your
> > application, have debug output in another panel of your IDE for that
> > page
> > and it's include files, be able to set break points, and trace variable
> > values to reduce <cfabort> debugging needs, and come across an error,
> > click
> > on the error within your IDE, have it open the offending .cfm page in
> > your
> > IDE, and highlight the error.
> Yup, this sort of debugging can be a wonderful tool - even tho' it
> usually makes the code under investigation run painfully slowly.
> > Wouldn't that be powerful? And doesn't that sound familiar (except
> > that it
> > works so clunkily and problematically in CFS...)?
> Does it work with CFMX at all? I don't use CFS so I don't know but from
> what I read here, I don't believe it does - and would probably require
> substantial changes to CFMX's compiler to support the sort of
> single-step / step-in / step-out / breakpoint / watch point stuff that
> some languages boast. Part of the problem when writing debugging tools
> for high-level languages like CFML is how to map the source code to /
> from the executable code in a debugger and how to provide the 'hooks'
> necessary for a debugger to peek inside a running program - you
> normally end up with 'compile-for-debug' vs 'compile-for-production'
> switches. I'd love to see it in CF at some point but I'm not holding my
> breath!
> > CFS is far superior with it's
> > help/reference system alone (language specific), not to mention the
> > color
> > coding (language specific), and the toolbar (language specific), and so
> > forth.
> Hmm, but DWMX includes help/reference material for CF, color coding for
> CF (and customizable) and a CF-specific toolbar... And DWMX 2004
> provides enhanced CFMX support:
> http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver/productinfo/features/
> static_tour/coldfusion/
> It doesn't explicitly mention it here but the CF-specific toolbar in
> DWMX 2004 is, in my opinion, a big improvement over the one in DWMX.
> > What we need is a ColdFusion centric IDE, that also strongly supports
> > the
> > rest of the stuff we'll be reasonably expected to work within (xml,
> > html,
> > css, javascript).
> And (you know where I'm going with this...) DWMX has great support for
> XML, HTML, CSS and JavaScript - and all of those are improved in MX
> 2004 (see the information on the website). In particular, some of the
> enhancements to XML support make writing Fusebox 4 / Mach II
> configuration files a breeze!
> Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
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